By Swaranya Sarkar
India and the world is caught in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bound by four walls, our very own homes now imprison us. But, even caught in these shackles, our imaginations and creativity beg to run riot. Just as our minds and hearts thought they could take no more, we saw light at the end of the darkness. To us, technology presented an array of online engagement activities. Technology presented a beacon of hope.
It is the season of tests, healthy competitions, gatherings and enjoyment! We had lost hope, we thought the pandemic had stolen these from us. But as history repeated itself, technology found a way!
Gatherings, competitions, contests(which we now actively participate in virtually) are associated with large crowds, numerous people screaming and cheering, scores wrecked with stage fright. The stage is the centre of attention and hundreds flock all around it during contests and fests.
However, in Shakespeare's words, "All the world's a stage"! In light of the several new virtual pan-Indian fests which have sprung up, we have made our homes our dressing rooms, and online meeting platforms like Google meet our stage! Without these kinds of technology where would we be? Ah well, best to leave what ifs out of it!
These fests add a glow to our humdrum existence and add a sparkle to mundane activities. The numerous talents of India's youth which had gathered dust, have now been brought out into the light once again. Organisation of the fests, auditions, preparation all provide something to look forward to every single day! It is the magic wand of technology which has given us that hope, that happiness…
The nation was mourning due to the surge in COVID-19 cases, spending hours staring at the news, unproductive and unhappy. These virtual fests have reawoken the nation, rejuvenated one and all. Technology has reawoken and rejuvenated one and all.
We now spend hours in our own worlds, dreaming, imagining, engaged at all times. Who said technology cut us off from creativity? Some lover of stereotypes who lies in the world of ignorance far away from technology, that's for sure!
Now technology, in the form of fests, competitions, contests and workshops, symbolises drops of ambrosia, which have healed India's past wounds and refreshed the student community. These fests have returned to us the hope which was stolen by the pandemic. They have returned to us our world.
The pandemic stole our physical freedom, created physical barriers we could not cross. But our minds and hearts and souls were as free as before, and technology has been essential in reminding us of the same. Technology has given us brighter horizons to look toward, and a brighter day to hope for…