By Apoorva Khandelwal
During this pandemic, we have been using our devices more and more than usual. This may be to entairn you because you can't go outside or it is due to online school. Whatever the reason, we have to limit our time on social media.
One of the reasons is because you are down on yourself. There has been research that proved that social media experience dropped self esteem and made people be more anxious. We feel bad about ourselves when we see other people’s successes and compare it to yours. Adding on, not only do you compare yourself to their success but also how they look and act.
Social media isn’t really social! Have you ever had the experience when you go to your friend's house and they are all up on their phone? Don’t you start to feel alone? Or have you texted your friend even though they were right next to you? During this time, we unfortunately can't see our friends and we are constantly using Skype or FaceTime. Would you still end up talking to them even after they deactivate their account?
You are the jerk. Maybe you are the person that constantly keeps checking your phone during a concert or a friend’s house. And it's not for important work stuff, like it is Instagram feed. Let me tell you something quickly, that is very rude to do.
You make your life too public. Sometimes you might not set yourself boundaries and tend to post everything. If you hadn't known already, if you post something on social media, it is already pretty widespread to everyone and will always stay up there.
These are all reasons about how important it is for you to limit yourself to social media. I am not saying don’t ever post anything or go on it, I am just saying to be careful and manage your time on more important things.